Outline the benefits to the Australian economy from the development of free trade policies with countries such as the USA and Japan

Joint Cost
May 13, 2020
Hidden Worldviews, Eight Cultural Stories that Sharp Our Lives, By Steve Wilkens & Mark L. Sanford.
May 13, 2020

Outline the benefits to the Australian economy from the development of free trade policies with countries such as the USA and Japan

Outline the benefits to the Australian economy from the development of free trade policies with countries such as the USA and Japan

Reading :

1.    Economics Down under Units 1 and 2 Book 1  Richard Morris (chapter 6 I have attached it)
2.    www.dfat.gov.au
3.    Only use links that relate to Australia

Required :

€¢    Research the above topic and write an 800-1000 word report. Supporting evidence is required.

€¢    Provide footnotes and a bibliography (Please make them direct references and not vague)

€¢    Please make it detailed and full of real statistics to support your arguments.

Criterion :

1. Definition of key economic terms            4 marks
2. Choice of issues to discuss                4 marks
3. Research and development of arguments        10 marks
4. Footnotes and bibliography                 2 marks