Our federal system of the Judiciary Branch can consider a case for years through the initial presentation and the appeals process.

June 13, 2020
The Atlantic Monthly has an archive of issues on the internet with articles of interest to students of American government.
June 13, 2020

Our federal system of the Judiciary Branch can consider a case for years through the initial presentation and the appeals process.

1. Our federal system of the Judiciary Branch can consider a case for years through the initial presentation and the appeals process. Do you believe that this process is stacked in favor of the defendants? Consider the possiblity of convicting innocent individuals. Does our legal system allow defendants proper due process of law? Using the three tiers of the judicial system, comment on the structure of the system, and if your throughts regarding the process.

2. The Supreme Court (also known as The Supremes) have the ultimate authority in the United States to hear cases. There are millions of cases processed through our legal system each year. Describe the process whereby the court decides which cases to consider and give your opinion as to the Court’s role in our everyday lives.