Management of the environment and natural resources
September 12, 2020
Crowd funding involves funding a project through money raised from monetary contributions from other people through the internet
September 13, 2020

Other Social Movements

The Battle of Seattle highlights various characteristics of social movements such as social movements engages in peaceful demonstrations as they try to pass their message to the authorities. The protestors surrounded the WTO Ministerial Conference of 1999 in Washington. The elements of the social movements are good planning and organization that made it possible for the protestors to group and match together. Proper coordination of the protestors, which enabled them to surround and prevent the WTO conference was another characteristic of the movement.

The main tactics in the Battle Seattle were cooperation by the members of the protestors and the good planning that started some months earlier. There was also the use of civil disobedience and destruction of property by organized groups of protestors and some blocked streets to prevent delegates from reaching Washington State Convention and Trade Center.was also never mentioned in the US media and the police.

The main actors in the Battle Seattle were some organized groups under Direct Action Network (DAN) and national and international non-governmental organizations such as AFL-CIO. Other actors were activists and locals in addition to a group of anarchists from Eugene, Oregon, who engaged in vandalism of properties in downtown Seattle.

The type of social movement represented by The Battle Seattle is a reformative social movement that seeks to demand rights in various aspects such as the movement for equality in various issues like marriage equality.

The main factors that contributed to the battle were inequality, especially in the capitalist economy. The police are known to offer defense in the capitalist economy and the written laws, which did not favor all. The laws that favored global businesses and the battle focused on the under privileged like the poor in the developing countries.

The Orange Revolution campaign was due to the fraudulent presidential elections as the campaigners fought for new elections that are fraud-free. The main characteristics of the Orange Movement were good leadership in the election monitors as they gave reports on the election irregularities without compromising their morals. Proper coordination of the protestors who demonstrated daily until the results were nullified, and more a revote conducted ending the stalemate. The revolution had a form of identity in which the demonstrators identified themselves with the international and the national observers concerning the rigged elections.

The tactics used by the demonstrators were the use of leaflets by the Democratic Initiative foundation for action when Yushchenko was announced the winner. The peaceful match to the headquarters with proper management by the Poral facilitated the demonstration.

The main actors were the Democratic Revolutionists, who mobilized a good cloud to stage the demonstration. The foreign and domestic observers facilitated the demonstration and rerun of the election. The other actors were the young voters who wanted to demonstrate their nationalism.

The type of social movement for the Orange Revolution is the revolutionary social movement as it aimed at reforming the government in Ukraine through some control such as revoting.

The factors that contributed to the Orange movement were the democratic society that emerged before the creation of the Orange Revolution. The citizens, therefore, wanted a pluralistic form of government thereby facilitating the formation of a social movement. The presence of the young Ukrainian voters aggressive and eager to vote for their preferred candidate and had a high spirit of nationalism. Kuchma’s bad behavior with many scandals fueled due to his earlier scandals that affected the country’s economy.

There are other social movements in the recent past such as the Syria brutal repression of peaceful demonstrators, Muslim/Christian riots over the election in Nigeria, and protests by truck drivers in shanghai china.

Occupy Wall Street movement worked well for the angry Americans in 2011 in which the occupiers in Zuccotti Park. The movement led to a lot of inspiration for more similar protests in other cities in the country and the world. The movement is one of the best since 1968 as it attracted very many intellectual celebrities and people who lacked any place to go. The organizers were Vlad Teichberg, a 39-year-old father of the former trader. The movement’s intellectual force was Graeber, who served as an anthropologist at the University of London. The main protesters were the students, activists, and the homeless individuals who seized and controlled the national conversation. The movement started in Egypt and not New York as people thought who had yearning for revolutions for a very long time. Some young people in Egypt mobilized about 50,000 people for the protest. The demonstrations were put on live broadcast on the internet, and some new Yorkers protested against the budget cuts to occupy the city street. Many street demonstrators almost out-powered the authoritarian presidents of Tunisia and Egypt.