June 8, 2020
To what extend is the French government and politics still ‘Gaullist’ ?
June 9, 2020

Original Movie Proposal

Original Movie Proposal
This assignment is to test your understanding of the topic taught in this Sociology.
Write a letter to me, a movie producer, to including with your movie proposal. In this letter you will introduce yourself as the author of the movie describing just enough information on the movie idea to catch my attention. Remember you are asking me to invest my money produce your movie. This MUST be in letter format addressed to:
Ms. S, Producer
000 Lamar
Hillsboro, TX 00000
A well written proposal will be 2 -5 pages long. Your movie proposal will be original and should include well developed characters. Who are they, what do they add to the story, what is their part in the plot, and how will they interact with each other?
Explain your story in a way that the textbook concepts are understood but not mentioned. Example: when describing deviance do not use the word deviance however describe the behavior of the characters. This is how I will know you understand the concept.
Concepts to be used:
• Culture – what are the cultures of the characters, how does it affect the plot?
• Socialization – how do the characters socialize, what role does socialization play in the plot?
• Sexuality and Society – are there sexual relations or innuendos between characters, does this add to the plot?
• Deviance – describe the behavior of the characters that shows deviance as it relates to the plot.
• Social Class in the United States – are the characters from different classes, in what way does the plot of the movie express class difference?
• Race and Ethnicity – how do these concepts add to the plot of the movie?
• Families – in what way do families play in the plot of your movie?