organization’s own policies and procedures

Practicum Experience: SOAP Note and Time Log
September 30, 2020
Future of the television system
September 30, 2020

organization’s own policies and procedures

organization’s own policies and procedures

Order Description

The corporation owes the general public and its patients certain duties. These duties are derived from statutes, regulations, principles of laws, and the

organization’s own policies and procedures. When it comes to carrying out these duties, the organization is no different from an individual and can be held

accountable. When an organization fails to carry out these duties it is called corporate negligence. Some examples of corporate

negligence are when the hospital provides defective equipment or drugs, selects or retains incompetent employees, or fails in some other manner to meet the accepted

standard of care, and such failure results in injury to a patient to whom the hospital owes a duty (Hospital, n.d.).

Take a position on the following aspect of corporate negligence – If a hospital knows or should have known, that one of the patients is likely to be a victim of

professional corporate negligence by a doctor on its staff, the hospital is liable (Hospital, n.d.). Do you agree or disagree with this statement and why.

In preparing your response, ensure that you properly in-text cite all sources used in the support of your stated positions and the example or examples you chose to

utilize. The response needs to be a minimum of 250 words. Also, you will need to include the references at the end of your posting.


Hospital negligence. (n.d.). Retrieved from