Organizational change and communication

Essay on voluntary disclosure of social and environmental information
March 14, 2020
Performance Management and People Development
March 14, 2020

Organizational change and communication

Please write these two parts according to the case study. Please contact the case study. (the case study is in my account)
There is example of this part in my account, please have a read. Moreover, please follow the lecture power point and readings to finish this part.

For the reference, you must use UTS Harvard style.
State the name of the item using a standard referencing system such as the Harvard (UTS) Reference. Guide: UTS BELL Program:?


Coherence and structure of the report. (The extent to which you provide a well signposted, clearly sectioned report) [group report]?
Quality of analysis and connection with relevant literature (There is evidence of relevant reading used to inform your analysis in the report. This reading will include readings from weeks 9-13) [group report]
Clarity of argument (The extent to which you make clear and explicit references to concepts and debates covered in the subject) [group report]?
Robustness of claims (Claims are well supported and illustrated with specific references to topics, concepts, materials and authors on the subject) [group report]
Clarity and practice-orientation of the report. (There is a clear, practicable set of recommendations, informed by the analysis and the literature on the subject) [group report]
?Accuracy of refencing. (The bibliography is written in correct English and demonstrates professional presentation as a word processed document according to the word count) [group report]