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Work force diversity refers to variations in the composition of the labour force. There is usually a combination of culture, background, age, races and culture which brings about the differences in the workforce. The diversity may be due to physical fitness, immigration of labour force, the languages spoken and the different opinions the labour force hold on certain critical issues. In every organization, management need to pay very strict precautions when dealing with the work diversity. Without proper mechanisms put in place to plan and manage the workers may lead to total failure of the organization in meeting its long term and short term objectives.

The cost in Workforce diversity

According to European commission (2003), there are costs related to legal conformity where the probable costs may involve record-keeping systems, staff training and new policy communication. These costs may depend on the legislative requirements that are present in a given country. These costs may be a burden to many organizations which reduces their profit margins therefore; some managers will try their best to violate these regulations. Besides, there are costs related to cash which include special training, education and training to the young and inexperienced workers, facilities and support for the disabled workers, working conditions and the employment policies, supervision and reporting procedures.Moreover, there are opportunity costs of diversity because limited resources cannot be applied in other productive transactions. For example diversion of functional time for managers and the short falls in efficiency. Furthermore, Manning (2005) says that there are business risks due to diversity since some plans enacted to change the culture in corporations may take longer time costing the organization time and money.

The European commission (2003) nevertheless, there are benefits attributed to diversity which include the shareholders are satisfied due to strengthening of value of the organization. Thisis because the human capital quality is improved owing to differentiated reputation. Some assets may be invested in long terms creating value for the organization. By resolving labour shortages new markets are ed hence performances is improved.

What should Managers take in managing workforce diversity?

In managing workforce force diversity you must be able to measure the diversity. Hubbard (2005 pp 1) says if it moves, you can measure it amanager must be able to measure the diversity to effectively manage it. Organizations must go beyond regarding diversity as simply statistical illustration of particular clusters. Taylor,(2009 pp15) identifies different groups of workers:migrant workers, young workers, disabled workers, gender sensitive workers like the pregnant mothers and nursing mothers, older workers and thetemporary workers, maintenance workers, untrained and inexperienced staff: for example, new recruits and seasonal workers.

These workers are exposed to various environmental conditions and risks which vary both in occurrence and manner. These risks will expose the different management styles in an organization. Taylor points out that the these workers are exposed to labour shortage, poor language skills, lack of proper work related documents, low education, poor knowledge of the labour market, lack maturity and experience and lack of academic qualifications. Dobbin, Kalev, Kelly (2007) observes that these workers are normally discriminated, subjected to more working hours, subjected to sexual harassment, low wages and job insecurity.

Mallory (2000) argues that the leaders and managers must have a plan strategically to widen diversity schemes throughout the organization. They should involve employees’ views and opinions for them to succeed in their diversity programmes. They should increase the level of accountability, measurement and evaluation and link them to organization goals and objectives. The managers should mentor new employees to help them easily assimilate into the system and be in a position to tackle the challenges in the organization leading to talents being nurtured through the mentorship. Mallory (2000) also advocates for employee wellness where the management establishes a connection between diversity and the activities at work. For example, provision of clean water, health assessment, education and counselling to lactating mothers, support services for physically challenged individuals like good facility layout for the handicapped.


Since diversity does not depend on a single manager for implementation it would be prudent for employee empowerment, training and involvement to create an environment that is accommodative to every worker. There should not be sweatshops for employees due to their origin, race, age, physical ability or disability. All the labour laws should be observed critically without violations for a functional society.Strategic planning and implementation is also necessary in order to manage diversity effectively. There should be effective resource allocation through the planning to prevent shifting of blame from one personnel to other personnel hence the organizational goals will be achieved.






Works cited

Edward E. Hubbard, Measuring the value of Workforce Diversity, 2005

European commission, the Employment and social affairs, Centre for strategy and Evaluation

Service (2003)

Frank dobbin, Alexandra kalev, and Erin Kelly, diversity management

In corporate America, 2007

Lisa Mallory, National Partnership for Reinventing Government, Best Practices in Achieving

Workforce Diversity,U.S Department of Commerce and Vice President Al Gore’s, 2000

Terence N. Taylor, work diversity and Risk assessment, European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, EU-OSHA, Spain, 2009

Tony Manning, Diversity management: A challenge for the Future, Management Today 2005