mission statements
August 23, 2020
Professionalism in Nursing Academic Essay
August 23, 2020

Order Description

Evaluation Essay Write a paper evaluating an essay in your Everything’s An Argument text in the style of essay called an evaluation. Chapter 10 in your textbook describes how to write this type of essay. For an evaluating essay, you will be evaluating your subject’s quality based on a set of criteria that is described in the chapter. Your paper should include: Introduction to your subject (you may choose your topic from anywhere in the text, but I suggest to look through Chapter 22 in your text for ideas from that group of essays), Statement of judgement (couched in terms of value: good, bad, better than, worse than, of merit, worthless), Statement of standard and accepted criteria on which this judgment is based, Three reasons with evidence in support of the judgment, Statement of opposing side´s position (opposite – i.e., this is not a good point because…), First reason with evidence in support of opposing side´s position which is counter argued with evidence, Second reason with evidence in support of opposing side´s position which is counter argued with evidence, Conclusion (in paragraph form-usually 3-5 sentences) You’ll also need to include a Work Cited page following your essay. Chapter 21 shows you how to cite your sources in MLA style, which is the type of formatting needed for English papers. You’ll need to cite your “Everything’s an Argument” text and the essay you evaluated in your Work Cited page, in addition to any other sources you might use. The only required source is your textbook and an essay from within the textbook that you base your essay topic on. More info: Essays need to be about 4 or 5 pages long, double-spaced in 10 or 12 pt regular font