opps supply chain managment

opps supply chain managment

opps supply chain managment

Order Description

PART 2 : Section B and C – 3000 words (words in diagrams not included but tables are)
Section A in Part 2 must be constructed with, (or converted to) an Excel spreadsheet, and submitted to MyBeckett separately as instructed. The excel file should contain a sheet (tab) outlining your assumptions and conclusions from your model or analysis. There is no word count for the excel file.
Penalties will be applied if the word count is exceeded [by over 10%]
You MUST include your name in the file name of the submitted excel file. eg “ClarkKentOpsCapacityplan.xlsx” Penalties will be applied if not done correctly.
The submission will be by MyBeckett – no paper copies allowed1
PART 2 All Students must answer each Section
Choose one question from section A only
Section A: Produce a capacity and demand model, (with sensitivity analysis) for EHC’s tray baking product. or Conduct an Inventory analysis of EHC’s ingredient stock, and revised inventory plan with reductions. Students must submit their Excel file separately in MyBeckett for section A. You MUST include your name in the file name of the submitted excel file. eg ClarkKentOpsCapacityplan.xlsx
Choose one question from section B only 30%
Section B Construct a Value stream for EHC’s tray-bake product and critically evaluate how they could apply lean principles to improve this part of their operation. or Critically evaluate EHC’s position in the overall supply network and develop a strategy for EHC’s ‘downstream’ supply chain, including a B2C channel.
Section C Develop an improvement strategy for EHC’s operational performance by answering the questions below; 20% • Identify and justify the competitive priorities for improving two of the performance dimensions for EHC • Specify how your recommendations from section B impact the two chosen performance dimensions, and how you would measure any improvements?

ASSESSMENT GUIDE HOUSE KEEPING FOR THIS PART: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlvR6mer-IE&feature=youtu.be

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