Topic: Online Learning
Order Description
Research and report on some of the problems arising from online learning in tertiary education and some solutions to these problems.
The table of content includes abstract, introduction, findings, discussion, conclusion and recommendations.
the report must also contain some graphs or piecharts or statistics wiith citations too.
You need to discuss at least one independent nursing intervention in your essay.
For any collaborative nursing interventions you use you must discuss the nursing responsibilities and actions in relation to this collaborative intervention.
Medications cannot be both of your chosen collaborative interventions for a problem. If a medication is one of your collaborative interventions you must identify an appropriate drug that is likely to be/or has been prescribed by the doctor (in the case options some medications may have already been prescribed). You must also consider and discuss the nursing responsibilities associated with the medication (action, dose, side effects, prevention and management of same, administration requirements, evaluation).
Remember assessment is not an intervention and symptoms are not problems
Research and Writing Guidelines:
Spend some time familiarising yourself with the chosen case study. Read the CRA sheet carefully linking it to the case study assessment question.
Use references that are primarily peer-reviewed journal articles with some book publications, published within the last seven years. Consumer websites, Wikipedia and websites that are not government-based or related to professional organisations are unacceptable. Examples of acceptable websites include:
National Health and Medical Research Council
State Departments of Health
A critical review of the evidence means synthesising the research literature from different perspectives and arguing that the chosen intervention will benefit the patient.
At least 20 high quality academic references, used appropriately, are expected to support the arguments within your essay. References must be valid and contemporary and no more than 7 years old.
Use the SafeAssign software on your assignment and include a printed copy of the final report with your assignment submission. Refer to > NSB022 > Assessment > Assessment Item 2 > Safe Assign
Formatting Guidelines:
You are expected to present your assignment in a scholarly fashion. It should conform to the following academic conventions. Penalties will apply if these conventions are not adhered to. Use the following points as a check list prior to submission
A fully completed signed assignment minder submission form with correct information including your tutor’s name must be attached to the front of the cardboard envelope for submission to Assignment Minder
The assignment cover sheet is attached to the assignment prior to submission (use the template below)
Ensure your cover sheet has your tutor’s name on it.
An assessment criteria sheet should be attached for all written assignments
The assignment should be stapled in the top left-hand corner
You may have plus/minus 200 words of the designated word count, this includes in-text references but not the reference list.
Include a footer with page numbers “x of y” with your name and student number on all pages
Use a separate page for references. The reference page is not included in the word count
A full reference list is required at the end of the assignment and the 1 page list of priority problems.
Reference according to QUT, APA conventions only. Please refer to QUT Cite/Write for these referencing conventions.
Bullet points and numbering are not appropriate in this assessment item
Use size 12 font, Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri font and 1.5 line spacing for all assignments, left and right justify, and ensure margins of 2.5 cm on the right and left of the page.
Submit your assignment to Assignment minder by the due date. Assessment submitted after the due date without an approved extension will not be marked and will receive a grade of 1 or 0%. Please refer to the Faculty of Health ‘Late submission of assessment’ policy and the ‘Application for assessment/ assignment extension form’ located on the Blackboard site.