One-to-One Formative Evaluation

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May 16, 2020
Quality Management and Continuous Improvement
May 16, 2020

One-to-One Formative Evaluation

One-to-One Formative Evaluation

This assignment should be submitted in a Microsoft Word document. You should name the document your last name_U6Assign.Be sure to include your name in the top, left corner of the document.

Conduct a One-to-One (page 329-331 of the Smith and Ragan textbook) formative evaluation of an instructional product of your own choosing with at least one learner from the target audience. The
instructional product should take between a half-hour to an hour to complete and should NOT be teacher-mediated instruction (should be self-instructional materials). The instructional product you
select may be a tutorial from the Internet, a print-based tutorial, computer-based tutorial, etc. The
instructional product you select can be on a topic of your choice and use any type of delivery system
(i.e., print-based, computer-based, video based, etc.) except teacher-based. Typically a one-to-one
formative evaluation is conducted on a draft form of the instructional product. However, for this
assignment, you may use a finished instructional product. The instructional product (tutorial) you
evaluate should include an instructional objective, instructional strategies that help the learner to
achieve the objective, and some type of assessment to determine whether or not the learner achieved the instructional objective.

The purpose of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to conduct an actual formative evaluation of an instructional product. Not all the steps and information in pages 329-331 will apply
to what you are doing in this assignment. For example, you will not need to display and interpret
the data you collect as Smith and Ragan recommend on page 331. You should follow the procedures listed below to complete this assignment.
You should play the role of the instructional designer as described on page 330. Ideally, you should ask a learner who is a member of the target audience to be the learner for your one-to-one formative
evaluation. However, if that is not possible, you may ask a classmate, spouse, peer, etc. to play the role of the learner for the instructional materials. Be sure to have the learner use the read-thinkaloud
technique described on p. 330 as they complete the instruction. You should interview the learner after they complete the instruction to determine their perceptions of the instructional product and their recommendations to improve the product.

Prepare a two to three page report formatted according to the following three parts to report the results of your one-to-one formative evaluation:

Part 1: Description of the instructional materials you evaluated.
Part 2: Description of the procedures you used in the evaluation.
Part 3: A summary of the results you obtained, and your suggested revisions to the instructional materials.

In Part 1, you should describe the nature of the instructional materials which you evaluated, i.e., what delivery system (media) was used to deliver the instruction, the target audience, learning
objective(s), what type of general instructional strategy was used (generative vs. supplantive), and
evaluation methods used to determine if the learner met the objective.

In Part 2, you should describe the procedures for how you actually conducted the evaluation. This section should describe the following: general information about the learner (age, how you picked
the learner, and motivation for participating in the formative evaluation), the length of time it took the learner to complete the instruction, the specific questions you ask the learner during the one-onone
evaluation, and to what degree the learner respond to the read-think-aloud technique.

In Part 3, you should summarize the results and recommendations of your evaluation. You should summarize the learner’s answers to your questions. You should also summarize the answers to the
following questions (and any other addition questions you think are appropriate):

a. To what degree did the learner achieve the instructional objective of the instructional
product? What was the learners score on the assessment instrument (you should include the learner’s score and how many points were possible on the assessment).

b. Did the learner know what he/she was supposed to do during the different instructional

c. Did the learner complete all the instructional activities, or did she/he skip some sections?

d. Where there sections of the instruction product that the learner didn’t understand?

e. To what degree did the learner find the instruction appealing and interesting?

After your summary of the questions above in Part 3, you should summarize in a paragraph or two
your recommendations regarding how the instructional product could be improved and revised to be more effective, efficient, or appealing.