One focal point GOVERMANCE with Describe, Analyze, and Evaluate/Recommend

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One focal point GOVERMANCE with Describe, Analyze, and Evaluate/Recommend

B Corporation Company: 
The Green Office. Com

***Write one page (which is 3 paragraph) on one focal point 
Describe, Analyze, and Evaluate/Recommend

The Green Office has an overall B Score based on 4 focal points: Governance, Workers, Community, and Environment. You only write one focal point GOVERMANCE and should research the B Corp with this point in mind
. Describe
Analyze and 
Evaluate/Recommend what could be done better/differently to improve their B-score.

1. Describe: you should answer the W and H question of What, who, when where, how, or how much about the assigned material.

2. Analyze: you should apply any concepts, models, tools, or examples from the course reading, or other reading.

3. Evaluate: to assess the information presented, identify strengths and weaknesses, and make recommendation to the class.

*You have to include one or more sources from this assignment.

Informational Websites (Shows B-scorecard and fiscal reports)

Course reading textbook: 
Business & Society Edition: 14th 2014 Lawrence ISBN
: 9780078029479