Background on urgency of the project: I am currently deployed in Iraq and taking an online college courses. Issue I face is I had a mission in which there was no internet access for one week, which in turn put me very behind with the two current courses in which I am enrolled. With long additional hours I have caught up my workload minus one assignment which is an argumentative paper for my English Comp II class. This late assignment ties into my Group Project which is due this week. As a group, we have to review each others paper. Problem is I have not begun the paper with still catching up on previous assignments and military obligations. The paper is based off a topic-sentence outline I had to create as well as 5 references I have used throughout the class. I would like to have a paper submitted by Wednesday for my group to review. Assignment: Using material from your thesis statement, outline and references, write a polished first draft of an argument essay. Format your project (in APA format) in the following order: Title page Abstract Essay References list Write the essay using the argument pattern of development: claim (thesis), supporting reasons, and evidence. Write the essay using a formal tone and style, which avoids the use of personal pronouns (you, I, me, or we). To support your thesis statement and reasoning, cite evidence (facts, statistics, and expert viewpoints) from a minimum of 5 sources (with in-text citation) and include corresponding reference entries in your reference list. This is not optional; you must use sources to support your thesis statement. Title of Paper: On A Legal High Class: English Composition II Instructor: Dr. Sean Froyd Topic-Sentence Outline Thesis: Alcohol and tobacco are the most abused legal drugs available and causes thousands of deaths a year in the United States, so legalization of marijuana and prescription pills may threaten legal protocol. Why is Alcohol Legal A. Decriminalization B. Is alcohol a drug? Why is Tobacco Legal A. Laws B. Is tobacco a drug? Dangers of legal Drugs A. Alcohol statistics and facts B. Tobacco statistics and facts Legalization of marijuana A. Pros of legalization B. Cons of legalization Make sure these additional points are within the paper: Three points that will need to be explained: Even though it is legal, I will explain how alcohol and cigarettes causes more deaths than most narcotics and/or prescription pills How the two are easily accessible to children and teenagers Legalization of narcotics Two words that will need to be defined will be addiction and narcotics References Cook, P. & Reuter, P., (2007). When is alcohol just another drug? Some thoughts on research and policy. Addiction. Blackwell Publishing. Retrieved from database: CINAHL Plus with Full Text. AIU Library. Decriminalization. (2002). In World of Criminal Justice, Gale. Retrieved from http:// Database: Credoreference. AIU Library Economist. (2010). The law of the weed. Vol. 396 Iss 8691, p31-32, 2p. Retrieved from database: MasterFILE Premier. AIU Library Gual, A. (2007). Is alcohol foodstuff?. Addiction. Blackwell Publishing. Retrieved from database: CINAHL Plus w/ Full Text. AIU Library. Richardson, V., (2008), Police told to ignore pot possession during convention. Washington Times, The (DC). Retrieved from database: Regional Business News. AIU Library ***Note*** The references were taken from my online school library. What will be easiest way to possibly attach my references. It seems I can only attachment one file at a time. I am 8 hours ahead of EST.