ASSIGNMENT 4 The Endless Voyage Lessons 13 – 17
25 points
Surf’s Up
13-1. What factors cause a wave to “break”?
13-2. What is different about swells that makes them more variable than waves?
13-3. How are internal waves different than surface wave forms?
13 -4 What is the actual movement of a particle being carried by a waveform toward shore?
13- 5. How do waves change a beach seasonally?
Look out Below
14-1. Describe a tsunami as a special wave, how are they different than a rouge wave?
14-2. How are Tsunamis currently detected?
14 –3.What determines if a storm is a hurricane or a typhoon?
14 –4. Are wind waves effected by the Coriolis effect? Why or Why not?
14 – 5. What is a seiche? Can this happen in Lake Erie?
Ebb and Flow
15-1. Describe the tie between the grunion’s lifestyle and the lunar (tidal) cycle.
15 – 2. Describe a tidal bore, where might you find one?
15-3. How might power be extracted from tidal forces?
15-4. What are spring tides? What are the celestial positions of the earth, moon and sun when they occur? What are neap tides? What are the celestial positions of the earth moon and sun when they occur?
15-5. Where in the nation (or continent if no coastline in your nation) in which you were born would you encounter a semidiurnal tide? A diurnal tide? A mixed semidiurnal tide?
On the Coasts
16-1. Why is there often a current that runs parallel to shore on a beach?
16-2. Explain why jetties, groins, breakwaters and seawalls often make the problem of beach erosion worse.
16-3. What are the major impacts of human activity on beaches, dunes, cliffs and deltas?
16 -4 What should a swimmer do to escape from a rip current?
16 – 5. What is the defining characteristic of a beach? Do all beaches have sand?
Due West
17-1. List the “abuses” that organisms adapted to the intertidal zone face.
17-2. What is an estuary? Do we have an estuary in Ohio? (carefully research this one!)
17-3. What qualities of estuaries allow then to support complex marine communities?
17-4.What are the potential difficulties for fish living in the intertidal zone? How do they adapt to these changes?
17-5 What is the major thing that invertebrate organisms compete for on the rocky coast? How does predation aid in the survival of the inhabitants of this zone?