Objective Summary Final Draft

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September 11, 2020

Objective Summary Final Draft

In “Watching TV makes you Smarter,” Steven Johnson makes the point that watching shows on the television with a focused mind is helpful or the mind and psychological wellbeing. According to Johnson, one should be purposed while watching a TV Show, and try to internalize the moral lesson beyond the obvious lesson. Johnson observes that well structured TV Shows help in promoting deep thinking and effective information processing.

In the past, Johnson reiterates that people had difficulties benefiting from TV Shows. However, with the current media advances, people’s minds are stimulated into thinking deeply and make individual conclusions while watching a programme, thus promoting critical thinking, which is very beneficial for emotional and psychological growth. To support his point, Johnson gives the example of flashing arrows as was the case in the past. In the present, however, multi-threaded storylines leave room for viewers to think of the expected episodes, promoting their thinking skills.

Through a concept that he refers to as the sleeper curve, Johnson argues that the current television dramas and video games have offered great nutritional value to the mind. While arguing that the morals of the TV Shows have grown with time, Johnson connotes that the sleeper curve has emerged to be a very important force in enhancing thinking skills. Johnsonthus encourages that one should pay attention to the plot of the show in order to to sharpen one’s memory by connecting previous episodes with current ones.

Johnson concludes by advising that both the current and the future generations should be encouraged to watch television shows for mental growth. He recommends that one should choose the programmes to watch carefully, in order to choose the ones that are beneficial the growth of cognitive skills.