Nostalgia is the remembrance of the past with a lot of desire to return to the to a former time in one’s life. In the Six Records of a life Adrift, Shen Fu goes through an emotional account of his love for Chen Yu and his family relations. The remembrance is with a lot of passion especially his pastimes with friends and the way he used to travel in several places. His other nostalgia remembrance is the frustrations he experienced with work demonstrate the complexities of life relating to class, tradition, and conflicting family values. The greatest focus of the author is on his Chen Yu, who lacks beauty and complements it with embroidery and painting to bring out the beauty of nature. She is a true friend of Shen Fu, and he shares all his feelings and hobbies. He gives the details of his leisure time and all the childhood joys. In his sorrowful recounts, he portrays a life full of frustrations and can only remember the joys of his travel and the scenes he visited in his past life. Shen Fu expresses his past in lower gentry man in a patriarchal family and brings out the tradition values. He makes the reader experience his grief and sadness especially the way he describes Chen Yu’s final moments. In fact, She Fu gives a presentation of her passing as a very beautiful passage. The narrative is, therefore, a delightful and emotional one in which the author takes the reader through his past with a lot of passion bringing about the theme of nostalgia.