What is the North American Free Trade Agreement? Has this trade agreement impacted (positively or negatively) the United States and more specifically the state of Georgia? Provide specific examples and a rationale for your response.
What is state capitalism and guarded globalization? Why do Multinational firms (MNCs) have to be mindful of this phenomenon? Provide specific examples and a rationale for your response.
Should MNCs adopt the regulations in the country of origin or yield to those in the country of operation? Please provide specific examples and a rationale for your response.
What are the major dimensions of culture studied by Geert Hofstede? Identify and describe each. What is the cultural profile of the United States and Mexico? What conclusions can you draw regarding cultural challenges facing managers from Mexico when they interact with employees from the USA and vice versa?
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Posted on May 30, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions