Author Michael Worth
ISBN ISBN-10: 1452243093
ISBN-13: 978-1452243092
Publisher SAGE Publications, Inc; Third Edition edition (April 17, 2013)
Publication 2013
Follow these instructions to complete assignment please:
Highlight a Nonprofit Leader.
Review Chapter 1 of the textbook, Nonprofit Management: Principles and Practice, paying particular, especially the sections entitled “A Distinct Profession” and “Proceeding with Realism and Pride.”
In the “Distinct Profession” section, pay close attention to the four unique skills that non-profit managers often need when they try to manage the mission, the money, and the people involved in their organizations (such as ability to integrate mission, the acquisition of resources, and strategy on p. 5 – thats #1).
Choose the one skill that you think is most important for nonprofit leaders and discuss why it is the most important.
Conduct independent research to identify a real-world non-profit LEADER who demonstrates this skill and defend your choice by providing evidence of how they demonstrate this skill. Be sure to include references of articles/videos or other media that highlights your leader and defends your argument.
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Posted on May 18, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions