Non-profit and Non-governmental organizations
The purpose of the research paper is to involve the student as directly as possible in a concentrated investigation of some particular aspect of the course’s subject-matter. Successful completion of the research paper will involve competence in the subject chosen (content, coverage), and competence in writing (expression, clarity, organization).
Selected topics for consideration could include one or more of the following
Funding in the Nonprofit sector
Human Resource Management Challenges unique to Nonprofit or Nongovernmental Organizations
Board Governance
Accountability and the NFP and NGO sectors
Nonprofit Leadership
Mergers and Amalgamations in NFP or NGOs
Nonprofit Branding
Branding has become a popular term among nonprofit managers and nonprofit
management/marketing scholars. What does it actually mean? In this paper, research scholarly and practitioner publications to investigate the following:
How has nonprofit branding been formerly defined?
Based on how the term has been used, what do writers mean when they use the term brand?
What are the differences between a commercial product brand and a nonprofit brand?
What are the components of a nonprofit brand? What are its various dimensions?
How does a nonprofit organization measure brand strength and brand equity?
What aspects of nonprofit branding do we need to better understand?
Is the brand concept useful to nonprofit managers? Would they be better informed for decision-making by using another concept instead of brand?
Nonprofit Leadership
Leadership in the nonprofit sector continues to be an increasingly important topic. For this paper, you are to examine the following issues:
What is the projected demand for leaders in the nonprofit sector in ? Is there a projected shortfall of new leaders to replace retiring or resigning leaders in the nonprofit sector?
Describe how the roles of leaders differ in the nonprofit and commercial sectors?
What skills and traits are required from an effective nonprofit leader?
Do business leaders and nonprofit leaders differ with respect to demographic variables? Is there more or less diversity among nonprofit leaders than among business leaders?
How will the skills nonprofit leaders need to successfully lead their organizations change in the future?
Marketing Small Traditional Nonprofit Organizations
Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of managing and marketing a small, community-based nonprofit organization. Small, local nonprofits have challenges with respect to funding and staffing. The relatively small number of staff reduces their ability to have sufficient numbers of employees with specialized skill sets.
¢ Identify the challenges faced by small, local nonprofits.
¢ How can they better communicate to the public within their communities?
¢ How can small nonprofit organizations deal with the inability to have an effective online presence?
¢ How can a small nonprofit compete for resources against large, national nonprofits?
¢ How can a small, local nonprofit improve how well known it is it its community on a limited budget?
¢ How can a small, local nonprofit make sure it remains relevant is its community?
Use of Technology in Not for Profits
How are effectively managed nonprofits using online tools and applications? Review how nonprofits are using online and mobile technologies to recruit and retain volunteers, raise funds, and maintain relationships with supporters. What are nonprofits doing well and what could they do better? How are small and medium-sized nonprofits effectively using the Internet and mobile technologies? How do you see nonprofit management and marketing changing in the future as a consequence of the Internet and mobile technology?
NGOs and Corporate Involvement
Present an overview of how the business sector’s involvement in the nonprofit sector has changed over the years. Discuss the various ways in which businesses support and partner with nonprofit organizations. What are the advantages and disadvantages of business-nonprofit collaborations? How has business involvement with nonprofits affected the nonprofit sector? Is
business’s involvement in the nonprofit sector beneficial to society?
Volunteers in Nonprofits
Volunteers are a vital part of the human resource mix that supports the operations of nonprofit organizations.
¢ Explore how volunteering is changing.
¢ What are some of the current and emerging volunteer trends?
¢ How have nonprofits had to adjust to the changing needs and interests of volunteers?
¢ Is the recruitment of volunteers becoming increasingly difficult?
¢ What are current and emerging strategies to address the volunteer needs of organizations who depend on volunteers?
¢ Are there any demographic trends with respect to volunteering and are they relevant in the recruitment and retention of volunteers?