Case Study 1: Cyber Security in Business Organizations
April 1, 2020
Hometown Deli Case Study
April 1, 2020

Nietzsche and Marx

Nietzsche and Marx

Carefully and accurately reconstruct the problems raised, the arguments made to address those problems, objection made, and/or potential responses to those objections. Standard margins, double-spaced, spell checked, and edited.

4 page answer for each numbered question. Each numbered question has their own text.

The text for this question is from "Selected Writings" by Karl Marx and edited by Lawrence H. Simon, specifically from part II (writings on historical materialism – The German Ideology)
1. Marx argues that the assumptions, principles, and rhetoric of political economy reduce workers to objects, and this is contrary to social labor as the essential self realization activity of human beings. One question he raises is why worker have failed to develop self-consciousness as the "universal class" of history in order to overthrow capitalism and the bourgeoisie state. The short answer is ideology. What are the essential claims that constitute Marx’s theory of ideology? What does the theory purport to explain in terms of the assumptions, principles, and rhetoric of political economy that reinforce the dominant class and property relations of capitalism? What does the theory purport to achieve by exposing this idealogical "camera obscura" in terms of promoting social change? Why does Marx believe that class struggle must proceed on the basis of exposing and overturning the "false consciousness" that is engendered by capitalism?

The text for this question is titled "On the Genealogy of Morality" by Friedrich Nietzsche
2. Nietzsche argues that "aesthetic ideals" turn human beings against themselves. Reconstruct and explain Nietzsche’s assertion that the "slave revolt in morality" constitutes the basis for our conception of moral psychology. What is the "slave revolt in morality"? Why is ressentiment its principle motivation? Why does it represent an inversion of values? Why is this inversion inimical to the values of individual development and growth? What are some potential objections to Nietzsche’s genealogical method or his evaluative claims concerning this " slave morality"