Demonstrate your understanding of the impact of virtual reality on several environments as you write a fivepage
assessment, including sections that describe the impact of virtual reality on medical advancements, military engagements,
education, entertainment, and general commercial trade.
Today, humankind stands on the precipice of totally new paradigms of reality. For the first time in the history of our species,
people will participate in multiple artificial worlds. Several forms of new virtual reality will emerge. These interactive,
environments will continue to have a great deal of impact in fields, including medicine, education,
entertainment, general commerce, and military training. In this assessment, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate
your knowledge of emerging trends in virtual reality and how it plays a defining role in our technologically based society.
For this assessment, demonstrate your understanding of the impact of virtual reality on several environments as you write
a fivepage
assessment that includes each of the following sections:
Describe the impact of virtual reality on medical advancements.
Describe the impact of virtual reality on military engagements.
Describe the impact of virtual reality on education.
Describe the impact of virtual reality on entertainment.
Describe the impact of virtual reality on general commercial trade.
You will need to conduct research to complete this assessment. A good place to begin is the Capella library.
Additional Requirements
Include a title page and a references page.
Include an introductory paragraph and a concluding paragraph.
Include a minimum of three research resources.
Be sure to follow APA guidelines for style and formatting.
Your finished assessment should be five pages in length, excluding the title page and references page.
To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow
learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.
Will the popular interactive media featured in Wii and Xbox Kinect be harbingers for virtual reality becoming a normal
fixture in American homes? Will houses of the future have virtual reality rooms instead of TV rooms?
Will the dependability of virtual reality advance to the extent that some humans will not be able to tell the difference
between reality and virtual reality? Could people simply decide that they would rather live in a virtual world and ignore the
obligations of the real world? Could this present mental health concerns that require intervention from psychologists
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Posted on May 12, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions