Why do businesses use social media?
September 14, 2020
Health Policy Issue
September 14, 2020


The use of internet has tremendously increased in the recent past. The rise has been facilitated by the increased technological advancements that are evidence in the information sector. The evolution of network enabled gadgets such as phones; laptops and IPads have further enhanced the use of the internet. The use of internet has profound effects on various sectors of the economy. With such overwhelming use of the internet, serious debates have been sparked leading to the formulation of policies to control and regulate it use. Internet refers to the worldwide system that connects a wide range of devices to various networks of the computer. The interconnections that exist between the computer networks and the specific devices in the global set-up are facilitated by the internet protocol. The connected devices may be from schools, business firms, private or public organizations. Internet neutrality refers to the principle that requires all the that flows over the internet are treated with equality irrespective of the source or content. Thus, by abiding by the principle of neutrality, any information may be from the public ends up being useful if all the internet sites and platforms can receive equal treatment.

To achieve this equality in treatment, all the concerned parties must adhere to the basic model that service operation in a specific layer will not be influenced by any other data or information rather than the one interpreted by the layer and the one that clearly coincides with the specifications of the protocol. Internet traffic entails the continuous flow of information over the internet. In such a scenario, there is no point at which the total internet traffic can be measured or evaluated. Internet and internet neutrality play a great role in the Management Information Systems (MIS). The management information systems entail the study of the interrelationships that exist between human beings, firms, and technology. The three components have a wide range of interactions that are essential to their functionality and efficiency in the execution of various duties. For instance, by incorporating the three components together, the management practice of various organizations will be enhanced, and hence greater efficiency will be ultimately realized. Network neutrality and its principles have significant effects on the various types of management information systems.

This research paper will lengthily examine and evaluate the various principles that govern the whole aspect of network neutrality. Additionally, the paper will highlight and evaluate the various arguments that have come about as a result of net neutrality will be explored too. Further on, the paper will examine the significance of net neutrality to the various types of management systems. In this context, I will discuss how the underlying principles of net neutrality may influence each of the three major components of the MIS and subsequently the overall impact on the operations of the specific entities. The paper will also examine the various internet issues such as data discrimination antics and their impacts on the efficiency of the management information systems.

Principles of Internet Neutrality

The notion of Internet neutrality ought to be governed by principle so as to realize the ultimate goal of the information and data that is passed across the internet. With such neutrality, the dissemination of ideas, information and data will be fastened hence increased efficiency and effectiveness, especially in organizations that are bound to management information systems. With no restriction on data through the different layers and platforms, the performance of the various inter-connected departments in institutions and firms will be increased. Over time, the following principles have been implemented with the core intention of realizing higher performance by the specific groups or organizations. Firstly, the principle of the open internet is highly significant as far as the realization of neutrality in internet is concerned. The principle ensures that all the connected parties such as companies and individuals have the ability to access and use all the resources on the internet without any bias or discrimination. The principle is fundamental in fostering the related aspects such as transparency and barriers to entry. The principle further upholds and facilitate the aspects of net censorship and also ensures that open standards are realized (“Open Internet | Digital Agenda for Europe | European Commission,” n.d.). The aim of this principle by far contradicts the principle of a closed internet that is bound to certain specified restrictions hence minimal access and higher filtering of information.

Secondly, the principle of traffic shaping is essential in realizing the goals of internet neutrality. The principle is based on the fact that for the performance of the internet to be guaranteed, internet traffic has to be controlled. With such an undertaking, the interpretation of the commands from the system will be fastened. Additionally, the rate of data flow within the networks will be increased by prompting a delay in the packets that meet certain specifications (Blake et al., 1998). The ultimate goal of traffic shaping is to reduce the volume of internet traffic that are delivered to the computer networks in a certain period. The aspect of neutrality will be ultimately realized by upholding such controls.

Arguments For or Against Net Neutrality

Various arguments that support or decline to support the aspect of internet neutrality have evolved over time. Each of the two sides is backed- up by a series of reasons to support the underlying argument. The arguments for internet neutrality have been supported by various organizations such as online companies, consumer advocates, human right activists and other technological firms such as Yahoo and Twitter. Additionally, certain individuals have been on the front line in pushing for neutral internet services, for instance, the USA president. Proponents of net neutrality argue that the control of data will be initiated by upholding its principles. Therefore, shortcomings such as low internet connections, server failure or pages taking too long to load will be scrapped off. Additionally, the supporters of the notion claimed that through network neutrality, the digital rights and freedoms of the internet users would be upheld and respected. Therefore, there was a significant need for the provision of free and open internet technology to all people. The argument ascertains that democratic communication through the online platform will be realized through the diversification of different web contents (Lessig&McChesney, 2006). The supporters of the argument also claim that net neutrality is vital in overcoming the problems of slow-loading websites. Most of the internet users do not tolerate slow connections to the internet due to the cost and urgency of the information they want to access. Further claims pinpoint that through internet neutrality, competitions and innovations will emerge thereby giving rise to better


Significance of Net Neutrality on MIS

The functioning of the Executive Information System (EIS) is also facilitated by the principles and arguments for network neutrality. The ability of this tool to access reports from distinct departments will be determined by the speed of the network and the reliability of the information that is disseminated. High-speed internet connections are some of the neutrality principles and their significance on the management information system should be recognized.

The use of Market information System and the Office Automation System in the management of the organization is also dictated by the underlying principles of neutrality. The gathering of all marketing information is facilitated by the speed of the network thereby necessitating rational decisions and problem-solving processes in the organization. The principle of dumb pipe is essential in this context as it ensures that the endpoints of the computer network coincide with the existing intelligence in the various types of MIS. Other components of MIS that are essentially determined by the principles of network neutrality are School Information Management Systems (SIMS) and the Enterprise Resource Planning. The success of SIMS is based on the speed, reliability and the nature of the network connections. Therefore, the end-to-end principle and over-provisions are essential in realizing the above two methods of MIS.


Network neutrality principles have been formulated due to various underlying arguments. These principles are essential in realizing the impending goals in organizations. The Management information Systems incorporate a relationship between the people, technology, and the internet. The success of the various management systems such as SIMS, EIS, and the DSS is dependent on the corresponding success of the various principles and arguments for network neutrality. Therefore, by upholding the principles of network neutrality, the ultimate goals and objectives of the various Management Information Systems will be realized.


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Lessig, L., & McChesney, R. W. (2006). No tolls on the Internet. Washington Post, 8.

Net Neutrality, Monopoly, and the Death of the Democratic Internet | Motherboard.(n.d.). Retrieved from http://motherboard.vice.com/read/net-neutrality-monopoly-and-the-death-of-the-democratic-internet

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Open Internet | Digital Agenda for Europe | European Commission. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/about-open-internet

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