Nelson Mandela The Great Leader
Please read the instructions that were given to me carefully, this is not just a paper on Nelson Mandela, but a section must be written with how his leadership style could be used in hospitality. I can send you the entire guidelines by email.
The purpose of this paper is to assist the student research, investigate and report on an historical leader. This is to be a research report you must draw heavily on resources outside of your personal experiences and framework of the courses taken in your educational background. As a future hospitality manager, it is important that you are familiar with the published resources available, other than trade magazines. A research paper is a thorough investigation of the leader that you selected. The length and depth is only limited by your time, effort and ambition. You will find more than enough resources to research your leader.
1.Make an outline of the aspects of the issue you are investigating and you plan to writing about. This outline will become the Table of Contents of your written report. The Table of Contents must include page numbers.
2. Select a minimum of 10 publications/articles as references in writing the report. You may not use textbooks as your resource material. A minimum of 3 of the 10 publications should be refereed journal articles from research journals. If you are in doubt that you are using refereed research journals please ask. These resources will be included on the Reference page; a separate page to be included at the end of your written report. Research journal articles must be dated after January, 2001. No publications should be dated prior to January, 2001
3. Prepare the written report. You must include an Introduction (Page 1) and Conclusion/Summary that follow the requirements indicated on the Research Paper Rubric. The body of the report should be written in a way that works for your topic. Each topic will lend itself to a different format. The paper must be narrative; do not use lengthy quotations or numerous bullet points in the body of the paper; do NOT write in the first person for any formal research paper.
4. The body of the report must include a section that discusses your leader applied to/in the hospitality industry in a logical, cogent manner. This section must be your work supported by citations from published sources. If more than 20% of this section is taken from other works, your grade will suffer greatly.
5. This is a research paper, citations are not only a necessity, but a requirement. Unless the work is your own, failure to credit the source is plagiarism. No more than 20% citations used.
6. The purpose of this paper is to have you investigate an historical leader and present an opinion, applied to the hospitality industry, and then applying lessons from your leader to your own leadership style/behaviors. Therefore, the paper logically progresses from an introduction of the leader and why he/she is important to a review of the current literature to a discussion section to a conclusion/summary section to the references utilized and any additional information pertinent to the topic in an appendix.