Negotiation for a purchase is a process that can take a period from the first communication between the buyer and the seller until the final signing of the deal. it may be simple as one tries to obtain a discount or complex depending on the price of the item on sale. The buyer must aim at being successful in the negotiation with the suppliers while maintain the quality of the item. A list of suppliers from which one wants to purchase from is important as it provides the details of what is available, its quality, and price. The other information is the availability of a discount when the buyer buys the item. Negotiating with fewer vendors to obtain the lowest price with the best service to the benefit of the buyer. In some cases, purchasing professionals are required to ensure their clients get the best commodity at the lowest price possible. The purpose of this project is to negotiate for the purchase of a car in Boston.
I need to buy a new car for my personal use with the best qualities and a low price for traveling to and from school. The car is to carry four passengers and will be driven on a highway. The car should withstand long drives and should, therefore, be strong and consume less fuel. The car should be four-wheel drive and fitted with safety belts and other safety devices for the comfort and have a diesel engine. The car will not carry a lot of cargoes but should offer comfort to children. the color of the car should be white or silver with a spacious boot for luggage.
The negotiation method involved a thorough scrutiny of my car of choice by selecting it from a display of 20 cars in Edmund Company. The car that have chosen is Toyota with the following costs as per its sticker the base cost of 23,000 dollars, and delivery charge of 800 dollars. The dealer will offer the following if I buy the car: put a paint sealant, VIN Etching for the traceability of the car if it is stolen, and an alarm system at the negotiated price.
The car should have full perimeter frame with two heavy beams running the length of the car in which the wheels are attached to the frame. He frame must bear all the weight of the car that I intend to buy. The reason for a framed car is that they are safer especially after the collision as the damage will be small. The frame will always bear the weight much of the weight of the load in an accident and straightening it is easier tan straightening a unibody-framed car. The fact that the framed car is heavy makes it safer for the passengers, especially during accidents. Some of the cars with full frames are Chevrolet Carice, Ford LTD, Lincoln Town Car, Mercury Grand Marquis, and Cadillac Fleetwood. The cars of my choice are Lincoln Town Car or Mercury Grand Marquis.
BATNA means the Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement wich refers to the backup plan if te initial negotiation plan fails. Te best BATNA for the car of my choice is buying in cash as the prices are lower than the other methods such as the hire purchase. Te highest amount for the negotiation price for models of my choice is 23,800 dollars. However, any price lower than that is also acceptable for the preferred models.
The power of put for the Mercury Grand Marquis car is about 190 or 210 hp with the dual exhaust and the initial offer for the car is 23, 800 dollars representing the base price and delivery. The target point is buying the car at 22,980 dollars if the negotiation works to this level. However, if the seller fails to agree to this price 23, 500 will be more acceptable. The walk away point will be if the price exceeds 23, 800 dollars meaning another model with a lower price will be preferable.
Negotiation Process
The initial offer for a new Mercury Grand Marquis was 23,920 dollars cash price including the delivery price and everything else. The other offers were 23, 300 dollars excluding delivery and 24,670 dollars if buying in installments after much bargaining and scrutinizing of the prices fro the different offers, the final price settled at 23, 500 dollars including delivery. The price was a good we settled at the deal of 23,500 dollars.
There are many lessons that I learned from the car purchase deal especially when somebody is a new buyer one of the lessons is that before starting any negotiations one should know and understand the negotiation process. Both the seller and the buyer should be comfortable with the final price meaning there must be some give and take in the process. Knowing the market is very important as a buyer so that one can compare prices for various models and avoid buying a vehicle at a price that is higher than intended. It is good to do enough research to understand the market prices for different models and the offers they are giving their potential buyers.
For one to make a good deal with the seller, one must e confident and have a positive attitude for a successful negotiation. If need be, one can use an agent who is familiar with all the vehicle manufacturers. One should also the limits in terms of the price and the model specifications to avoid buying one that is not preferable. Sticking to one’s higher limit is of great importance as all the parties try to work to their advantage. The seller wants a big price while the seller aims at a low price leading to a heated haggling. Somebody should beware of low offers, as the seller may feel frustrated and give up on any deals relating to the interested buyer. The seller can accept the offer or reject it meaning the buyer would be ready for a battle to reach a suitable price of even give up on the purchase.
Another lesson during a car purchase is that one should stick to his/her own style by knowing the strengths and weakness before engaging in the deal. since one is fighting for the right thing it is advisable to use a lot of power to convince the seller to lower the price. Another thing is that one should find the right car by looking thoroughly at the dealerships before settling for a particular car. Never say too much as it portrays to the seller that one has no idea of the type of the car one wants.
Determining the true value of the vehicle is important for any buyer by going through various websites and doing comparisons. Printing a list of pricing for similar vehicles from other dealers will help compare prices and negotiate for the best price for a car. Most of the prices are normally inflated to allow the customer to bargain to a comfortable price. Some of the car dealers sell near the end other the month to meet their monthly targets and might have a good deal. However, one should not delay, as there are other things to be done on the car such s inspection, and anything is done before buying the car. Flexibility for the seller and buyer are very important when negotiating for a car in order to arrive at a good price.
Another lesson is checking the history and condition of the car before buying especially if it is a used car. Getting an independent inspector is important even for a nw=ew car as some have stayed in the store for a long period. Before making any offer, one should carry out the inspection and get the history report of the car. Once somebody is comfortable with the offer, one can come to an agreement with the seller and settle at a price.
Time is important when negotiating for a car with dealers and it is advisable to set an hour for the process. one cannot have concrete negotiations in a hurry as somebuyer’s offer. The process is repeated several times after each new offer which consumes a lot of time. Before making any purchase one need to plan two weeks to allow for a test drive and never buy cars fro dealers with fancy buildings and flashy advertisements.
Another lesson when buying a car is to be a tough, but a reasonable negotiator as the salesman also want to make a living. Quoting very low prices may be demoralizing to the salespersons and although they may accept the deal, it will be quite unfair to them.
One should also beware of inflated emotions by the salespersons who want to discourage buyers from bargaining. Both the seller and the buyer should be pleasant to one another and come to a peaceful conclusion. Avoid empathy especially when dealing wth women dealers as they may make feel guilty for negotiating for a lower price. Falling in love is another mistake one can make when buying a car as one may pay more to please the seller. A buyer should be firm and avoid fear when negotiating for a lower price as long as the dealer is willing to give audience. Once one’s strike a good deal for the car of choice, it is advisable not to delay te purchase as other buyers may go with it