Negotiating Freedom of Expression

Corporate Strategy
October 13, 2020
The West Side Story” from 1961
October 13, 2020

Negotiating Freedom of Expression

Negotiating Freedom of Expression

Main Task: Evaluate a hypothetical situation (10 Points)

For this next task, you will write a response to thefollowing hypothetical situation:

As a teacher, you give an eighthgrade class an assignment which is general in nature. You share that theassignments will be displayed on the class bulletin board for the upcomingparent night. A student submits an assignment which is controversial in natureand includes his/her views on one of the following; religious

expression,condescending opinions on a particular religion, or support for a politicalaffiliation. Please discuss how youwould respond to this situation. Sinceyou shared the intent is to post the students work on the bulleting board,would you post this work? If you did,some may take it as offensive. If you do not post it, will it violate thestudent’s first amendment right?

Please note that your response should include; but is not limited to the following:

Justify your reasoning with citations (peer-reviewed journals, articles, or case law)
Provide new thoughts and insights directly related to this common topic.
Please remember with such a situation, your decision may become the focus of media attention.
References (5 scholarly resources minimum; but other appropriate sources can be included!
Length: 5-7 pages (app. 350 words per page)