Childhood and Adult Cancers
October 20, 2020
What are in a leader of Religion sets them apart to be a leader? What is it that makes others want to follow them? What is in their personality that a
October 20, 2020

Nature of Groups

I am a member of the OasisMega group, a group that consists of 10 members, formed by us as classmates two years ago. The main purpose of OasisMega is to ensure the social development of every member in the group. We realized that we have come of age, and some of us were experiencing problems in relationships, and matters of love and spouses. We decided to form this group as an avenue for developing one another in terms of spouses, love and relationship. In the group’s constitution, we outlined that this group will be dissolved once every person in the group gets a spouse and marries. We meet once every week to assess the progress of each member in love relationships and marriage issues. The group is thus meant to accomplish this activity, which we have approximated to last in a period of five years. This is in line with Galenes and Adams (10) explanation of a secondary group.

I would classify our group as a personal development group. The main purpose of our group, from the beginning, was a personal, social development of all the members. According to Galenes and Adams (11), a personal growth group is a therapy and support group, meant to help the members with personal insights and act as an avenue for discussing the problems of the members. They further explain that the needs of the members are met in the group by the group members (11). These reasons warrant in classifying our group as a personal growth group since it is dedicated to the personal, social development of the members.

The OasisMega group is very much in line with the elements of the system, as described by Galenes and Adams (61

Although we have set an ethical code of conduct in our group, we have experienced various types of members as social loafers and observer participant as discussed by Galenes and Adams (15). Some member’s contributions are very minimal in the group, while others dominate. However, the members of our group have performed very well in embracing diversity, observing integrity, and upholding honesty, in line to the ethical behavior in groups described by Galenes and Adams (16). Communication has been upheld highly in the group. Gathering and dissemination in the group has also been observed with decorum. As Galenes and Adams (17) propose about respect, the members of our group have been very respectful to one another and the group leaders. The respect, honesty, effective communication and integrity are the qualities that have led to the development of positive attitude towards the group. I view the group as the best avenue for personal development.

Work cited

Galenes, Gloria and Katherine Adams. Effective group discussion: Theory and Practice. Boston, MA: McGraw Hill Education, 2012. Print.