EDU600: Teaching and Administering in Colorado and Louisiana
Module 4, Assignment 4.1: Course Project: Standards-Based Lesson Plan
Content Area: Reading, Writing and Communicating | |
Colorado Academic Standard(s): 1.Oral Expression and Listening | |
Louisiana Academic Standard(s): Standard four | |
Grade level expectation: Eighth Grade | |
Evidence Outcomes: Students can…
a) Come for discussions while prepared meaning that they should have read and done enough research on the topic of study. The students should thus be able to contribute to the topic, issue or text during the discussion, (New Colorado p-12 Academic Standards, 2008). b) The students should be able to follow the discussion rules and the importance of decision-making. The groups should have goals and a way to track whether there is progress while meeting deadlines in addition to definition of specific roles within the group. c) Pose questions based on several ideas of the speakers, answer questions from others, commenting with application of ideas, observations and evidence that is relevant to the question. d) Recognize new knowledge that others present and offer their views base on evidence given when there is need. (CCSS: SL.8.1d) e) Point out an idea that is central to prepare and ask relevant questions for an interview aimed at enhancing the researching and idea development, (New Colorado p-12 Academic Standards, 2008). f) Assess how effective the information and technique used during the interview was and whether the information gained was relevant. g) Present an oral presentation that is well planned to an audience with a purpose h) Show necessary oral presentation skills, verbal and non verbal including gestures, clear enunciation, pace, volume, and language where necessary.
Inquiry Questions:
Relevance and Application:
Nature of the discipline:1. Skilled communicators utilize dialogue to communicate ideas while considering them selves and others, (New Colorado p-12 Academic Standards, 2008).
2. Skilled communicators are open to other ideas.
List of activities and evaluationMonday: The activity will be story sharing with their peers. Each student is required to share a true personal story with group members. This is to facilitate group bonding and understanding. After all students have presented their stories, the group should come up with the final presentation for the class on the importance of the activity and whether it was helpful. Evaluation will be based on presentation given from each group on whether they were able to come up with relevant importance of personal story sharing.
Tuesday: Each student should come up with a list of things that were wrong on the worst presentation they had had to listen. Wednesday: Oral presentation skills where each student is given a peer review form with list of good and bad oral presentation skills. The students will be required to evaluate their colleagues during oral presentation. The forms will be compiled with the teacher’s own evaluation on the student Thursday: Interview activity. Groups are supposed to act out an interview and the other students will rate the interview in reference to the guidelines of a good interview. Friday: Guess-my-audience activity. Topics and audience will be distributed and after thirty minutes, each group presents their topic and the other students are supposed to guess which audience was being addressed. Evaluation will be on whether the presentations were done with the audience given in mind.
New Colorado p-12 Academic Standards, (2008). Reading, writing and communicating, Eighth Grade. Retrieved 2 April 2011, from,