My Strengths and Challenges in becoming a good Leader-Manager.

Positive Psychology in School-Based Psychological Intervention
September 10, 2020
Changes in major body systems and functional decline in the elderly
September 10, 2020

My Strengths and Challenges in becoming a good Leader-Manager.

For me to become a good leader, my strengths and weaknesses remain relevant for they influence the way I tackle anytasks assigned to me, as well as, a team. A careful analysis of them, best done through evaluation of my fellows’ point of view about how I lead is important. Understanding my strengths helps me in capitalizing on them, while my weaknesses provide a better platform for improvement and becoming a better leader (Covey 102).

In the handling of team duties, I have always been a good team player, both as an ordinary member and team leader. These ranges from class activities such as, discussions and group work to extracurricular activities such as games and field visits, whereby I have worked well with the other members for common success. When charged with challenging duties, I have always employed creativity in providing frameworks that would ensure easy tackling, and address technical issues related to them. I also do my duties with honesty, no matter the situations. Honesty has boosted trust from my colleagues on the tasks allocated. Four of the interviewees supported while one of them differed with this opinion.

No matter the experience I encounter, I keep a positive attitude towards the task, and , as well as, working the other people.

In the execution of my responsibilities, I am enthusiastic and with the zeal to meet the set goals and objectives, as efficiently and effectively as possible. Meeting goals has helped in accomplishing assigned tasks within the specified time limits. In most cases, I have taken a self initiative in the activities done singly, as well as groups, setting a phase of the task to be completed. Due to this, the majority of the people has always looked upon me as a starter to initiate our duties.

Being focused and oriented to the tasks am assigned has always been part of me. These have been key to fostering good results in the activities I am assigned.When I am at my best, I tackle my duties with a high level of organization. My close associa day to day activities,the smooth flow of each duty without overlapping, or unnecessary duplication.

I have always been knowledgeable about the current and contemporary issues affecting me and my fellow colleagues.Understanding haskept me updated about the happenings affecting the group such as its compositions, opinions as well as dynamics.I have mastered the art of good communication and with understandable to both languagesand actions. me articulate in passing information, facts and ideas, making me a better leader. I purpose to continue strengthening my communication skills in order to better my skills even more.

In situations where motivation is highly needed, I serveas a good instilled hope in me and my colleagues, renewing our desire to achieve the set goals and objectives. My goal is to continue enhancing my motivational skills, so that I can remain a role model to the others.

When faced with difficult problems, I analyze themcritically, providingthe workable and possible solutions. The initiative has enabled meto tackle many problems that may appear as obstacles to the goals I plan to achieve.In my quest to become a competent leader, I have met various challengeshave. I have continuously sought to mitigate and improve on them via various strategies aimed at bringing them into my strengths. For example, I always remain hopeful and focus on the bigger picture. I also handle challenges with courage and determination, since I have learnt that they are part of life. Covey (120) has suggested remaining hopeful, even in challenging situations. I have held this as a philosophical slogan to ensure I succeed despite the challenges I experience.

In an interview, three of my classmates argued that, consideration of people’s opinions has been quite a challenge to me. The weakness in considering opinions is because, sometimes I ignore the I . Due to this, they haveregarded me as an autocraticleader in some situations. To avoid this in the future, I am currently analyzing each opinion to weigh the ones to include or exclude giving consideration to their impact on the discussion. I am also planning to be considering every opinion in order to walk with all the people I lead.

In cases where I can delegate duties, it has been difficult for me, a weakness supported that, other people may not do the duty as required. My strategy to counter this has been through developing trust in other people’s abilities, and that they can do the duties equally well if given a chance. Being over optimistic is another hurdle that has affected my ability in handling difficult situations,leading to failure in the delivery of results. According to all the interviewees, this has made itcurrently approaching each event with an open mind, and with other possible alternatives, in case one fails.

I am a perfectionist and always like things done to the beststandards. I have perceived simple mistakes committed with much weight. Four out of the five interviewees supported this, pointing out that, it has always affected my working relationships with my friends, who do not subscribe to a similar ideology. I am currently learning how to cope with mistakes,small flaws should be present to enable future learning and corrections.

Summary of the interview.

                        The interview to evaluate my strengths and weaknesses as a leader involved five people, three of whom were classmates and two close friends outside, the classroom. Their opinions are summarized, recorded and analyzed as follows.

When left in charge of teamwork activities, four of the five members argued that I have always been a good team player citing class discussions and group work. Two members supported that I was well organized,and ran the various activities in a cohesive manner. I also remained enthusiastic about team activities.When charged with the information, I applied good communication skills in passing information and always knowledgeable about team issues.

While under difficult situations, all the five interviewees agreed that I always remained a person ofhigh motivation and kept a positive attitude success. Three members supported that I applied critical thinking and good problem-solving skills in the provision of workable solutions.

On my worst, the interviewees raised common weaknesses that I displayed under certain situations. In taking other people’s opinions, four of the five members supported that I did not consider some opinions, or I included all the opinions without weighing the ones that mattered more. Two of them thought that I am over-optimistic in some situations, and affected the choice of options.

When executing duties assigned to me, the intervieweesargued that I could not delegate to other members, therefore, not able to nurture other leaders. All the members supported that I am a perfectionist, and in most cases, this affected the way I worked with other people since I liked things done as per my opinion.

Work cited

Covey, Stephen, R. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change. Florence, MA: Free Press, 2004. Print.