My Leadership Smart Goal Academic Essay

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My Leadership Smart Goal Academic Essay

Textbook, Leadership and management for nurses, Core Competencies for quality care, finkelman, 2012, iisbn10: 1-323-01123-4, isbn 13:978-1-323-01123-2, pearson education, new jersey
1. create one leadership goal centered on “MANAGING PATIENT CENTERED CARE” in the SMART goal format containing specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bound components.
a. SPECIFIC – (who besides you is involved in the goal, what is the goal, where it will take place) (MUST INCLUDE THE BASIS FOR SELECTION)
b. MEASURABLE – how you are going to achieve the goal, be specific with measurable outcomes
c. ATTAINABLE – what resources or experts are available to assist you with attaining the goal
d. REALISTIC (is the goal something that is realistic obtainable in your professional practice) be specific
e. TIME BOUND what specific dates or weeks will you accomplished each task related to your leadership goal
BE SPECIFIC , who what where, MEASURABLE, how, ATTAINABLE, resources and/or expert,
1. develops a professional leadership smart goal, formatted correctly containing specific measurable attainable realistic and time bound components
2. MUST INCLUDE 2 scholarly articles and 2 credible websites related to smart goal, summaries articles and website in the body of paper
3. construct a plan of action for SMART goal, identifying what is needed to do in order to achieve the goal; creates a timeline, explain how the plan will unfold, and how specific resources (articles and websites) will be utilized in an effort to achieve goal. plan must be apparent in body of paper
4. content must be organized, logical and with correct grammar
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Posted on May 26, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions