Positive Psychology in School-Based Psychological Intervention
September 10, 2020
Changes in major body systems and functional decline in the elderly
September 10, 2020

My Kindly of Leadership

The world has changed, and people have changed with it. As such, adopting a good leadership style is important in realizing success in one’s leadership and management career. From the readings, I have carefully analyzed all the leadership types, and I presume that I would like to be an authoritarian kind of a leader. Contrasting this kind of leadership with some leadership styles like the democratic style, one finds that the later is very engaging to the leader and time-wasting. The leader would need to consult on most of the decisions they take. Since people are very controversial, and they may not be willing to work, the democratic leader may end up frustrated (Certo and Certo 351).

On the contrary, an autocratic leader says it all and applies the set out rules to enforce adherence to organizational procedures. The process ensures a culture where employees in an organization know what they are supposed to do as per the set procedure (Certo and Certo 340). The process of decision-making is simpler since unnecessary consultations are eliminated. In the current world, where democracy is preached in every setting, many people are reluctant to work. The autocratic philosophy, which fits very well with me, ensures that there are checks to control the employees. In order to maximize organizational performance, employees would be controlled at every step of their work under autocratic leadership. The leadership style will also be very effective in realizing the vision of the organization because the decision of the leader will not be contented by any other employee. The exercise of authority with complete autonomy motivates me even more to believe in autocratic leadership style.

Work Cited

Certo, Samuel C. and CertoTrevis S. Modern management: Concepts and skills (13thed).Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2014. Print.