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music video anaylsis

this is the music video I need you to write about Janelle Monae €“ Cold War

Music video Analysis Outline
Why is your text important?

Who is the musician/group?

Do you know anything about the video?s director?

How do you see the musician/group in the text?

Audience/Time period:
What year was your video created?

What cultural details of the decade do you see in the text?

Who is the audience for this text? (Not everyone)

How does this text entertain and/or inform its audience?

Summarize the lyrical content of your text:

Analyze the lyrical content of your text:

Summarize the instrumental content of your text:

Analyze the instrumental content of your text:

Summarize the imagistic content of your text:

Analyze the imagistic content of your text:

What do we know now that we didn?t in the introduction?