Music assignment

Music assignment

Music assignment

Project description
Read a professional review (the source has to be the music review that we read)

Prior to attending the performance, read a professional music review on the website of one of the following major national newspapers: Wall Street Journal, New York

Times, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, or Washington Post. You should not look for a review of the exact performance or performers you are going to see. Instead,

you should look for a review of the same sort of performance. For example, if you are attending a string quartet performance, you should search for a professional

music review of a string quartet. Your goal is to consider the standard way in which professional music performances are reviewed. You should keep this in mind as you

attend the musical performance you have selected for this course and as you prepare to write your own review of it. In the works cited section at the end of your

written assignment, you will include the citation for the review you read.

writing assignment

With the exception of the performance information you will list at the top of your paper, your paper should be in essay format. There should be no headings or text

from the prompts included in your paper.
Your responses must follow the order of the prompts as outlined below, with clear paragraph breaks to show that you have followed the prompts in sequence. The

responses from the separate prompts should NOT be combined into one lengthy paragraph.
While you will not be graded on word count or page length, your responses must include specific detail and thoughtful analysis. The expected length of a paper that

meets rubric requirements is more than 1 page but no more than 2 pages.
Examine the rubric below to see how your paper will be graded.
Please include the following in a list as shown below. This information should be left-aligned.
Performance Title
Date you attended the performance
Place or location of the performance
Name of the group who put on the performance

In essay format, respond to the following prompts. Your responses must follow the order of the prompts. You must include clear paragraph breaks to show when you have

finished your response to one prompt and begun responding to the next.

First, describe the physical performance space and the audience. Consider items such as acoustics and aesthetics, the average age of the concert-goer, the general

attentiveness of the audience, and anything you found either conducive to or distracting from the performance. How did visual aspects add to or detract from the

overall performance?

Second, select one piece from the performance to review briefly. Your review must include the name of the piece, its composer, and any featured or notable performers.

Remember that the titles of brief works go in quotation marks; the names of long pieces, such as entire symphonies, go in italics. Your review must include a

discussion of three (3) different elements of music and how they were featured in this piece.

Third, repeat the above exercise using a second piece from the performance. Your review of this second piece must include the name of the piece, its composer, and any

featured or notable performers. Remember that the titles of brief works go in quotation marks; the names of long pieces, such as entire symphonies, go in italics. Your

review must include a discussion of three (3) different elements of music and how they were featured in this piece.

Fourth, compare and contrast the two pieces you have reviewed. Your comparison of the two pieces should center on their use of the elements of music. Your comparison

must discuss at least three (3) elements. How were the pieces similar? How were they different?

Fifth, give an overall review of the performance. What were its strongest and weakest points? What did you like best? What did you like least? Would you attend this

sort of performance again? Would you give positive recommendations to others? Be specific and give evidence from the performance to support your review.

Works Cited Close your paper with a works cited section. Your works cited should include a citation for the newspaper review you read at the beginning of the

assignment. If you referenced the program notes or material from your reading on the Elements of Music, you must provide citations for those. For help formatting your

works cited section, see the Guide to Using Sources.

When you submit this assignment, please only include a comment if you have a question or another pertinent message to send to the instructional team. Do not include

redundant information in the comments box, such as your name, A#, or file name. Each comment sends an email to the instructional team; entering redundant information

clogs the system and delays our ability to respond to students who actually need help.

this is the link for the performance ( )

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