unit 6, 7 Academic Essay
August 19, 2020
Analytical Essay Academic Essay
August 20, 2020

Music Academic Essay

Reflection in music participation

How has participation in music influenced your health and well-being (and possibly, in addition, contributed to the opposite)? Draw on your personal/class experiences and our discussions to speculate—complimented by at least three varied sources —as to why you believe this to be so. The idea of this reflection is to, with concision, “take stock” of how music has influenced your well-being (or not), something that it is easy to assume without giving it the attention it deserves (indeed, the focus of this course), and to begin to integrate your personal/class experiences with others’ anecdotal, qualitative or quantitative research. At least one source must be from a peer-reviewed article or research study. You may include 2 sources from these course pack.
Some Internet Resources:

Canadian Association for Music Therapy:

Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy:

Music Can Heal:

Jonathan Goldman’s Healing Sounds Website:


Dalcroze Canada: https://www.dalcrozecanada.com

Evaluation of Short Paper:

10% Breadth/Depth of thought/ ideas explored; ability to integrate your personal experiences/ observations with related anecdotal, qualitative or quantitative research.

5% Concision of writing, flow; ability to carefully articulate your own (and others) ideas.

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Posted on May 21, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions