museum, theatre company, dance company, an arts summer camp

Water Use and Pollution
May 18, 2020
School to prison Pipeline
May 18, 2020

museum, theatre company, dance company, an arts summer camp

museum, theatre company, dance company, an arts summer camp

( museum, theatre company, dance company, an arts summer camp, etc.) related to a specific field of study in the humanities (i.e. theatre, dance, painting, photography, sculpting, literature, etc.).


Paper instructions:
For this assignment, you will select and research an organization (i.e. museum, theatre company, dance company, an arts summer camp, etc.) related to a specific field of study in the humanities (i.e. theatre, dance, painting, photography, sculpting, literature, etc.).

Once you have complied your research, you will write an informative paper sharing what you know about the organization you selected.

Some things to keep in mind:

1. Assume the reader has never been to or knows very little about the organization.

2. Assume the role of a representative (a tour guide really) of the organization. Convince the reader why this organization is needed in the community it serves.