Discuss a case study on Multiple Sclerosis
1) Chief complaint: patient’s age, sex and presenting symptoms
2) History of the present illness
3) Relevant family history, social and environmental history
4) Relevant medications
5) List of possible diagnoses from the patient history – explain why this list was chosen
6) Results of the neurological exam tailored to the patient history – detail what was done and why it was done, as well as the results of the examination
7) List of possible diagnoses from the neurological exam – explain why this list was chosen
8) Further blood and radiological tests – explain your choices
9) Final diagnosis – explain how and why this was reached
10) Chiropractic management of the final diagnosis – explain why this management will help, and say whether this is substantiated in the present literature.
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Posted on May 17, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions