Topic: Multiple Choice Questions (Non-time-framed)
Description: [?]
Preferred language style: English (U.S.)
1. 19th Century sociological perspectives on urban life were primarily about:
A. How moving from small villages to cities changed the way people live
B. How cities change as they grow
C. Urban problems such as crime and pollution
D. Urban planning
E. All of the above
6. A major question motivation the research behind Villa Victoria is:
A. Why is there so much inequality in the U.S.?
B. How can schools better serve immigrant populations?
C. What is the relationship between neighborhood poverty and social capital?
D. How has Boston changed since the 1960s?
E. Why is there still discrimination in housing?
8. gentrification of Villa Victory proceeded in stages. Which of the
following groups did not eventually
seek to live in Villa Victoria?
A. Bohemians
B. Pioneers
C. Investment-minded home buyers
D. Investment Bankers
E. Gay/Lesbian/Queer-identified home buyers
9. According to Small, what part of culture is most important for
explaining individuals’ levels of neighborhood
A. normative aspects
B. cognitive aspects
C. values
D. none of the above
E. all of the above
10. The concentric zone model soon became obsolete because cities
don’t really look like that.
11. In The Truly Disadvantaged, Wilson asserts that the main reason
why an “urban underclass” exists is
structural: loss of US manufacturing jobs that paid a living wage left
less-educated people with few – if any
– viable alternatives.
12. Massey and Denton’s research shows that blacks and whites in the
U.S. have very similar preferences
regarding racial integration. Overt discrimination, however, has kept
many Blacks from obtaining housing
in the neighborhoods they would prefer to live in.
13. The socio-spatial perspective says that while rentiers (big
investors and developers) do shape the interests of
financial institutions and governments – which in turn influence
outcomes in cities – we also need to
consider economic cycles, political agency, the global economy, race
and gender relations, and culture when we are trying to understand urban issues.
14. The boundary between Villa Victoria and the rest of Boston’s South End is extremely fluid.
15. Socially isolated neighborhoods always lack critical resources
such as grocery stores and banks.
16. In his Villa Victoria research, Small only looked at people and
situations that could be considered ‘typical’
across poor neighborhoods.
18. By the 1990’s, the LAC began to lose its credibility among some
RTH residents at least in part due to a
generational gap that began to emerge between LAC members and the
majority of RTH residents.