Multimedia Story
1. Multimedia Story (25%)
Length: Approx. 2 minutes + Discussion
NOTE: please I am the least creative person in this world, I understand it is an essay organization; but I am really stuck and I need all the assignment done including the multimedia. It’s the last week of school and the last paper too for the semester.Thanks in anticipation.
See the “Rubric” attachment below to get a sense of how the assignment will be graded.
For this assignment, you are required to
1) create an original 2-minute multimedia.
2) submit a brief description of your rationale of the story elements.
Assignment Description
Part 1: For this assignment, you are required to produce an original short visual story, 1.5 to 2 minutes in running length. (Your video can be shorter, but it shouldn’t be much less than 90 seconds unless you can make a convincing artistic justification for it. It may also be longer, but the assignment is meant to be a short, manageable project.) You can produce videos like those found on You Tube, or work with still images sequenced in movie-making software. It will be up to you to decide how to create the story for presentation to your classmates–be creative, and keep your module learning in mind!
Part 2: Write 250-word rationale (explanation) for the creative choices you made. Why did you choose specific narrative elements for your story (including elements such as focalization, drama, surprise, resolution, conflict, character, suspense, setting, etc.)? In your explanation, show your understanding of concepts covered in the course.
Alternately, you can upload video to an external website (like You Tube) and provide a link in the Discussion Forum. show your understanding of narrative elements we’ve covered in the course (character, suspense, etc.).
Assignment Objectives
• Identify techniques and conventions in visual narrative
• Operate technologies including movie-making software, digital image and/or video, audio recording, graphic/illustration software, other production technologies (your choice)
• Edit images and/or footage and audio into a coherent story
• Convey best practices in visual semiotics and film convention
Production Options
Cameras: You may need access to a digital video camera or a digital camera (i.e. have the capacity to take video or still images). Editing software could also be used home.
MovieMaker: Windows Movie Maker is the preferred choice for editing video, image and audio. The software is a standard component of Microsoft Office. To provide the narration track, however, you will need a microphone. (The video you shoot on your camera and edit in the Movie Maker project file will have its own audio track. Movie Maker allows you to add another narrative track on top of that, which you record with a microphone on your computer).
PowerPoint: An alternative is Microsoft Office PowerPoint, which will allow a presentation to be saved as PowerPoint Viewer (which will run as a video). You can also add audio to this file, or work with text on the slides, or tell the story with only visuals.
A single unedited video file is also a possibility. In other words, you shoot the movie continuously and do not run it through editing software afterwards. The finished product is exactly how it was shot on the camera. Depending on your subject, however, it could be prohibitively difficult to get the story right in one continuous take, so this method is not recommended.
Production websites: Further options include production websites such as
You are of course free to use any editing software. The only requirement is that final project be accessible on the course website (which means it can be played in standard software, like Windows Media Player or PowerPoint Viewer, or posted as an external link to a site such as YouTube) through the Discussion Board.
• See the accompanying file, “Notes on your multi-media story” for other technical tips (ATTACHMENT BELOW).
• See the Grading/Rubric for the grading scheme (ATTACHMENT BELOW).
Notes on Visual Storytelling
You are free to use narration, dialogue, sound and music, but the emphasis is on telling a story visually.
The topic for your visual story is open. Consider these possibilities:
? A story in the traditional sense of story—a sequence of visual (and audio) events that make use of narrative techniques of conflict, suspense and resolution.
? A music video. Provide a visual story to go with a song. (You can import the audio file into Movie Maker and work up the images and video in that software). The visuals should have integrity as a story in their own right, however. They must function as a narrative (not simply as complementary visual activity like much music video).
? A news-style report. TV news produces short video “stories.” Examples of these are discussed in the course. You could do a hard news story of some local event, with narration, intercut video, and so forth (this could be a serious or comic treatment).
? A profile story. In this case you tell the story of the person, with some direct interviewing caught on video, as well as other video and/or images.*