For tonight’s meeting, theSummervillage Community Coalitionhas asked each member to find an interesting article on the front page of today’s Environme
October 24, 2020
Find an example of a recent major decision (whether in business, politics, etc.) that was made based on assumptions that turned out to be incorrect
October 25, 2020

Movie “her”

Movie “her”

Project description
On movie “Her” — Analyze Samantha in terms of Maslow’s Heirarchy of Needs and argue what you think the film says about human self-actualation. Ideally around 300 words

Her (2014, 126 minutes), directed by Spike Jonze
Added on 08.04.2015 19:16
Length: open. Essays will be evaluated on an “excellent”, “good”, “okay”, “poor” scale. Even low “poor” earns 50% of points, so all students should provide answers to the best of your ability. I try to take into account the relative strengths of writers in consideration of our many international students working in a second language, while also expecting A-level work to be excellent at the university level. This entails effective, organized argumenation with a point that draws on media studies theory and analysis of specific examples. This is why students may earn bonus points by incorporating citation/reference to any course reading(s) from any part of the semester into their analyses and arguments on the exam.