How has your agency established a brand identity? Give specific examples of what they have done? What could they do that they are not now doing to cre
June 8, 2020
Adolescent development
June 9, 2020

Movie discussion

Order Description

Since the start of the semester, we have discussed various ways in which a film can be transnational; in short, a transnational approach to cinema involves considering how a film crosses borders in different and specific ways. Deborah Shaw’s typologies of transnational cinema in her essay “Deconstructing and Reconstructing Transnational Cinema” are helpful in this respect with understanding how cinema can be transnational in various ways.

In a 2 to 3 page essay, explain how Diarios de motocicleta/Motorcycle Diaries is transnational in at least TWO ways, ONE of which must examine the clip that comes from the movie. The other way, or ways, in which the film is transnational can be at the level of the film’s production (finances, directors, actors, etc.), exhibition (where the movie was shown upon release), or distribution.

Since the essay is limited to 3 pages, you will not be able to exhaustively discuss all the film’s transnational aspects. Instead, as intimated above, it is strongly suggested that you use specific examples from the film or the film’s production, exhibition, or distribution. Students are also strongly encouraged to allude to Shaw’s essay *when necessary* to support a point. Professor Risner has placed Shaw’s essay in its entirety on Canvas under “Files.”

Finally, it is not necessary to devote half your paper to an analysis of the clip and half to some other aspect, or aspects, of the film’s transnationalism. Instead, you may spend more time on the clip and less on another aspect, or aspects.

The clip from Diarios de motocicleta can be accessed via IU’s Swank viewing site by going through the IU Media Services website:

. Click on “Recommended Resources” and then click on “Swank Motion Pictures” and locate the movie title by typing “Motorcycle Diaries” into the search window. The clip for the paper runs from 42:46-44:45.

Your paper should have the following:

the pagination specified above (not 1.5 pages);
size 12 and Times New Roman font with normal margins;
correct grammar and spelling;
a compelling title that goes beyond “Essay #1.” Consider formulating a title that will orient the reader to the content of your paper;
a thesis statement that presents an argument. “Diarios de motocicleta is a very transnational film” or “Diarios de motocicleta is very interesting” are not compelling arguments;
secondary resources are not necessary for the analysis of the clip. However, in the case of production, distribution, and exhibition, you are likely to need to cite some source to show how a film is transnational in that respect. Use MLA style for parenthetical references and a works cited page. The works cited page does not count for the required pagination for the assignment. The MLA citation for Shaw’s essay is as follows:

Shaw, Deborah. “Deconstructing and Reconstructing ‘Transnational Cinema.’” Contemporary Hispanic Cinema: Interrogating the Transnational in Spanish and Latin American Film, edited by Stephanie Dennison, Tamesis, 2013, pp. 47-66.

do not write a concluding paragraph. A concluding sentence, or two, is more appropriate for a paper this length;
avoid quote dropping. In other words, do not quote a secondary resource at length when another author’s words are not relevant to your argument. Instead, use the words that are needed to support your idea;
you are encouraged to visit the IU Writing Center.