If anything, what is wrong with consumerism as we have discussed it? Is it hurting our culture? Helping it? Both?
July 28, 2020
Module 2 Assignment: Ways of Knowing
July 28, 2020


This week has focused on managing resources. Managing human resources includes those practices organizations engage in to foster employee development and to keep employee satisfaction and motivation high. Both the readings and media presentations discussed strategies to engage and motivate employees. Based on what you have read about motivational theory, review the case study below and then respond to the question.It was a rough day for Charlie, a staff nurse, when the nurse supervisor informed him that he would be transferred from Westside Hospitals pediatric unit to the psych unit (effective immediately) because of inadequate staffing in the psych unit. Charlie had been a part of the pediatric unit for the past 9 years and loved every minute of it. His nurse supervisor always raved about Charlies work ethic, as he possessed a high level of motivation and relentless attention to detail. Moreover, Charlie consistently took pride in the quality of his relationships with his patients.Being transferred so suddenly was hard on Charlie. Unfortunately, the staff nurses on the psych unit did not make it any easier: they viewed and treated Charlie as an entirely new employee. Still reeling from the effects of an understaffed unit, Charlies nurse supervisor moved Charlie around quite a bit within the unit. This constant movement hindered Charlie from developing close relationships with his peers and his patients, and not being able to see his patients through treatment took away his sense of accomplishment.Charlies motivation was at an all-time low, and this was apparent in his negative attitude. A once highly praised employee, Charlie was now receiving written warnings frequently. With no improvement in sight, the nurse supervisor is now in a tough position. Although firing Charlie would be the easiest option, the nurse supervisor cannot deny Charlies spotless work history or his many loyal years in the health care system. As such, the nurse supervisor would like to devise a plan to motivate Charlie once again. She recognizes that this task is easier said than done but feels as though Charlie is worth the challenge.Based on the case study, respond to the following: What advice do you have for the nurse supervisor to improve the motivation of staff nurse Charlie?
Support your response with references from the professional nursing literature.
Course Text: Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing (8th ed.)?Chapter 10, Delegating SuccessfullyChapter 10 focuses on how best to delegate tasks. It covers how to determine what tasks are suited to what people, how to avoid over-delegating and under-delegating, and when a task is inappropriate to give to another.?Chapter 14, Budgeting and Managing Fiscal ResourcesThis chapter looks at the various formulas health care organizations use to track revenue, expenses, and productivity. All of these factors play into how an organization plans its yearly and daily activities and is an integral component of change strategies. Nurses and nurse managers will be called on to be productive and, at times, even profitable. This chapter attempts to show how departments provide excellent patient care under budgetary constraints.?Chapter 16, Staffing and SchedulingChapter 16 explains the complications involved in staffing a health care organization. In order to meet staffs personal needs, the needs of patients, and government requirements, staffing must be as exact as possible and acceptable to all parties involved. The chapter notes how some creative staffing techniques, such as self-staffing, help managers create schedules that support a productive working environment.
?Chapter 17, Motivating and Developing StaffChapter 17 begins by looking at several motivational theories used to enhance employees work performance. There is no across-the-board strategy, and many theories exist on how best to motivate people of different ages, sex, culture, and social backgrounds. The chapter then provides practical strategies for staff development, including orientation day for new hires, on-the-job training, and educational programs.
Course Text: Guide to the Code of Ethics for Nurses: Interpretation and Application
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases?Provision 4The text relates the history and meanings behind Provision 4 of the nurses code, which concerns the delegation of tasks. In the health care environment, delegation of tasks is essential, as agencies are often heavily worked and have limited staffs. Because of this and the commitment to consistently excellent patient care, the authors argue that each nurse should be held accountable for their tasks, even those delegated to them from another, and should feel the same responsibility to these tasks as they would their own projects.
Curtis, E. & OConnell, R. (2011). Essential leadership skills for motivating and developing staff. Nursing Management, 18(5), 32-35.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databasesGoetz, K., Janney, M., Ramsey, K., (2011). When nursing takes ownership of financial outcomes: Achieving exceptional financial performance through leadership, strategy, and execution. Nursing Economic$, 29(4), 173-182.
Retrieved from the Walden Library databases