most significant issue facing management today
Order Description
Write a 500-word essay on what you think is the most significant issue facing management today – and why.
Writing Standards
For written assignments, the following guidelines apply unless specifically noted otherwise.
Please ensure you put your name, the course and section number on the cover page for all assignments.
All papers must be written in APA style (the UMUC standard), are expected to be on time and error free. Be mindful of spelling, grammar, punctuation, source citations,
presentation of references, tables, and overall style.
Font: The font must be Times New Roman 12 pt.
Margins: All margins must be 1-inch all around your paper.
Spacing: All papers submitted are double-spaced.
Page length never includes cover page, and reference page(s) but doesinclude the abstract, if there is one.
Full and complete documentation is expected throughout using APA citations and references.
Running heads are optional, but suggested, unless required by your professor.
Graduate papers are concise, well-researched, well-written, and well-documented scholarly works.