Moral responsibility and psychopathy of virginia tech assign Sueng Hui Cho

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Moral responsibility and psychopathy of virginia tech assign Sueng Hui Cho

Moral responsibility and psychopathy of virginia tech assign Sueng Hui Cho

Order Description
These 8 pages are to be an extension of a paper already written. Please see attachment for the paper. The writer should read the paper to understand the topic, and extend the paper where indicated with the following guidelines:

These 8 pages will discuss the moral responsibility of the Virginia Tech assassin, Sueng-Hui Cho. The main theory of moral responsibility that will be applied to this case is basic “desert” theory. [please see attachments for handouts from the class]. Please summarize and explain basic desert theory, providing examples along the way. After summarizing, apply the theory to Sueng-Hui Cho, and argue that he is at least partially responsible under basic desert theory. Please also compare and describe two other theories of moral responsibility: incompatiblism and determinism. These 8 pages should be written in such a way that they flow smoothly from the 10 pages already written. Please use and provide 3 sources. This should be written at a graduate level.