Molière’s Miser Acts 2 & 3

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May 7, 2020
History Casablanca (1942)
May 7, 2020

Molière’s Miser Acts 2 & 3

Molière’s Miser €“ Acts 2 & 3

The writer should read Acts 2 & 3 only and write about them from page 22 to 49.
Molière’s Miser €“ Acts 2 & 3
Journal #1: What titles would you give to acts 2 & 3 and why? Who are Frosine,
Master Simon & Master Jacques? What is their role in the play? Why is there an
argument between Harpagon and Cléante? What are the comic scenes in these
two acts and why? What is your favorite scene in these two acts and why? What is
the relationship between the servants and their masters?