Molecular basis of infrared detection by snakes

Solution-Summarize main points of the article you found
April 17, 2020
Solution-Synthesize uracil but able to synthesize leucine
April 18, 2020

Molecular basis of infrared detection by snakes

Molecular basis of infrared detection by Snakes

Summary, critical evaluation and discussion of an original scientific paper. You will be given ONE ORIGINAL FULL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE that has been published in a high profile scientific journal. The subject of the paper will directly relate to the various themes of the course. You are expected to read the paper carefully, aim to understand the content and then expand your knowledge on the particular research theme by additional reading and researching using Pubmed and other means. You will then write a summary (not more than 1000 words) in which the research problem is presented and critically evaluated by you in the form of a “News & Views” style paper (see example on BlackBoard).

“New & Views” is a means by which a new, important research finding is evaluated and discussed by experts in a particular field. Importantly, the aim is to present the fundamental research problem to a wider research audience in a concise manner, summarize the new findings and then critically evaluate its significance. General and specific critiques on the approach and the conclusions of the research is included in such an article (weaknesses and strong aspect of the research), and further experiments are also suggested. You MUST include a figure (OR table if suitable) with your article but these must be original illustrations of your own that seek to summarize the information in a digestible manner for a wide audience.