Modern Day Family Academic Essay

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Modern Day Family Academic Essay

Student will clearly define topic being studied. Student will give a brief overview of the literature reviewed and importance or relevance to your study. You will use no less than five reliable sources. Academic journals are the preferred sources of information. You may also use public information and records such as the U.S. Census and the FBI uniform crime report. You may also use the class text book as one of the five sources. You may not use newspapers, I would prefer a more reliable source. Student will clearly report the findings of the study. Student will give solutions, recommendations and forecast of what the future holds based on this study.


The family has changed a great deal since 19th Century Pre-Industrial America. How did the industrial revolution and World War II impact the modern day family and education for children? Explain the impact of these social forces.

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Posted on May 5, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions