October 9, 2020
October 10, 2020


• Paper 4: The Sinicization of Communism: Who were the primary Western organizational and philosophical influences on the young Chinese Communist Party?In what essential ways did the Jiangxi Soviet era lead the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) away from its urban/intellectual base and toward Maoism? Briefly describe Maoism and its implications for the party and the nation. Papers: Papers will be graded according to how well you answer the question(s) posed, how well you support your position with evidence from the assigned readings, adherence to rules of grammar, punctuation, and spelling, and the proper citation of evidence. Papers should be a minimum of 400 words, double-spaced with one-inch margins. Papers should include a title sheet that identifies the student, the course, and the date. Be sure to cite your sources; this includes not only citing direct quotes, but ideas, information, and statistics that are not your own. Textbooks used: Schoppa, R. Keith. Revolution and Its Past: Identities and Change in Modern Chinese History, 3rd edition. Prentice Hall, 2011. ISBN: 978-0-205-72691-2 username [email protected] password silver77 Moise, Edwin E. Modern China: A History, 3rd edition. Longman/Pearson Education, 2008. ISBN: 978-0-582-77277-9 username [email protected] password silver77