Mode of inheritance produces heterozygotes with phenotypes

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Mode of inheritance produces heterozygotes with phenotypes

1)The allele responsible for the Siamese coat-color pattern produces an unstable tyrosinase enzyme. This type of gene product is an example of what type of allele?

2) Determine which mode of inheritance produces heterozygotes with phenotypes that differ from either homozygote but more closely resembles one homozygous phenotype than the other?

C. i

A metabolic reaction requires 10 units of enzymatic activity to proceed. If a dominant allele “D” can generate 8 units of enzyme and a recessive allele “d” can generate 2 units of enzyme, is the dominant allele haplosufficient or haploinsufficient?

4)What type of allele is often detected as a distortion in segregation ratios, where one class of expected progeny is missing?

B. dominant negative allele