Mixing two solutions by sucking up the mixture

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April 8, 2020
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April 8, 2020

Mixing two solutions by sucking up the mixture

Question: G3-15ml frozen bacterial pellet (rGFP protien) was added to the breaking buffer (10mM Tris and 150mM NaCl) and a freeze-thaw procedure (mixing the two solutions by sucking up the mixture up and down in the vial) was performed. The debris were then pelleted using a centrifuge and the pellet along with supernatant was observed under the UV lights. The pellet fluoresced along with the supernant. The question is why did the pellet fluoresced. We know that the pellet contains rGFP protien but why?

Is it because the pellet contained the rGFP protein? The pellet should not have fluoresced because it should contian nothing but cell debris and the supernant contains the rGFP which glows. So why did the pellet fluoresced?