The topic of your paper is anything you would like to write about. Make sure that your topic is about healthcare issues related to the elderly population. I have a few emails that are asking for more clarification. Im not sure what I can do to add to the clarification. I have left the topic open so you are free to choose. I thought that would be more enjoyable for all.
Also, here are the directions from the syllabus:
Over the course of the semester, you are required to write four (4) mini-papers.
Your mini-papers are another method of reflective writing. These papers may touch on areas of interest you wish to reflect on further; the mini-paper is an opportunity to do just that.
Your mini-papers will need to follow these guidelines:
• At least 4 full pages in length plus reference page. Do not include a cover page. Points will be deducted for papers that do not follow the page length requirement.
• You are free to choose the healthcare topic that you like. BUT, you must relate that subject to the elder population within your paper.
• Your paper needs to be your original work. It should be on a topic that you originate and complete the research on. Along with this, your paper needs to be an individual effort. Plagiarism is unethical, unacceptable, and will result in a failing grade for this course.
• Please explain the issue using sources and facts, and provide a thorough explanation of how you feel about it (your opinion). If you use sources beyond your own opinion, these sources (including the text) should be referenced appropriately within your response and a list of references should be supplied at the end of your document.
• Papers will be submitted to the appropriate Dropbox by the assigned deadline as an attachment. (Please make sure your paper can be opened by Microsoft word. I have seen a growing number of papers submitted that are in a .lnk format and I cannot open them. If you are using a Mac make sure that the file converts correctly). If you do not submit it to the correct location, or you submit it after the deadline, you will not receive credit. If I cannot open the file due to your file formatting mistake your paper will not be graded and you will receive no credit.
• Mini-papers should be spell checked, grammar checked, and proofread prior to submitting to the appropriate Dropbox. Read your paper out loud; this will help you catch any mistakes that are overlooked by the other methods (missing words, wrong words, etc).
• Papers should be 1.5 spaced with 1-inch margins all around (top, bottom, left, right) and 12pt font. Your name and the page number should appear in the header of the document.