Company Analysis (Coca Cola vs. Pepsi)
July 22, 2020
Canada is often characterized as a multicultural society, as opposed to the United States which is characterized as a melting pot
July 22, 2020

Ming China

Ming China: How effective and adaptable was the Ming government? (In your answer, you must consider at least two of the following areas -politics, society, culture and/or economy.)The essay must be typed using 12-point font, stapled, use double-spacing with one-inch margins, include page numbers and five to seven pages of text in length. It must contain (a) an introduction with a thesis statement and a brief outline of the topics or points that you will discuss in the essay to support your thesis; (b) the body of your essay that develops your argument and provides examples from your sources; and (c) a conclusion that restates your thesis, expands on its relevance and where your work fits within the historical field. It must include a title page and bibliography (i.e. not a Works Cited page) that lists four scholarly peer-reviewed books and/or journal articles as a minimum number of scholarly secondary sources as well as three primary sources that were used as the basis of your research.Please use the past tense consistently when writing about past events and people, remember to use transitional phrases to connect your paragraphs together and to the thesis and avoid including too many quotes, instead rely on paraphrasing (with appropriate citations) to integrate specific examples into your essay to support your argument. You may also ask me to review your essay in advance, with enough notice, to give you suggestions for improvement in terms of argument, use of sources and/or presentation. Please proofread your paper to correct errors and consult A Pocket Guide to Writing in History for the proper format for endnotes or footnotes and the bibliography as well as the examples found below and sample bibliography posted on Blackboard. Please use only scholarly websites for sources, thus no Wikipedia or Encyclopedia websites, and you cannot use your textbook as a source for this assignment.Please use only the Chicago Style of citation (i.e. footnotes or endnotes) for your essay and you will be severely penalized if you use any other form of citation in your essay. You will receive a F for your essay if you do not provide citations, with specific page numbers, for the examples and/or points discussed in your essay that are drawn from any sources.